Unofficial (Stable) CyanogenMod 12 for Xperia L (Taoshan)


Great News for all the Xperia L users worldwide. CyanogenMod 12 is finally here! smile. Build isunofficial but the best part is that it’s a STABLE build that is a very fast development in such a short time after the release of official Android Lollipop 5.0.
Unofficial (Stable) CyanogenMod 12 for Xperia L (Taoshan)

Unofficial CyanogenMod 12 for Xperia L

ROM is compiled by one of the top XDA contributors & developers, varun.chitre15. According to the developer everything is working in this build and updates will be pushed every week which will include all updates happening in official CM.

ROM Information:

Contributors: varun.chitre15
ROM OS Version: 5.0.x Lollipop
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
Version Information
Status: Stable
Created: 2014-11-14
Last Updated: 2014-11-14


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