Record & Play Slow Motion Videos on Your Android Device


iPhone 5s and above users are pretty lucky when it comes on slow motion video recording. Because their camera app can record 120 frames-per-second (fps) slow motion videos. But unfortunately all Android users are not that lucky. Yea some high end flagship phones have this feature to adjust the fps rate of video recording.
Record & Play Slow Motion Videos on Your Android Device
So today I’m writing this article so that Android users who want to play slow motion videos on their devices can know how to do it ;-)

Record & Play Slow Motion Videos on Your Android Device

As I already mentioned you can’t do this from your phone’s stock camera application. So for this purpose we are going to use an app named “Slow Motion Video”.
Now the question arises “How to record & play slow motion videos on android device using Slow Motion Video app?” Check the steps given below:
2. Run the app and choose one of the options “Review Videos” and “Record New Video”. If you want to play an existing video in slow motion then click on “From Gallery” in “Review Videos” tab. Else click on “Record New Video”.
Review VideosRecord New Video
3. After choosing an existing video or recording a new one, now you are ready to experience the slow motion.
4. On player screen you will see a video progress slider, forward-reverse arrows, pause and two up and down arrows to adjust the speed of your video. By default it is set to normal i.e. 1.0x
5. Now to slow it down, click on lower pointing arrow to decrease video speed to 1/2
Slow Down with Lower Pointing Arrow
6. For every tap on lower facing arrow, video slows in a sequence on descending fractions i.e. 1/21/3,1/41/5….. and so on.
Tap to Slow Down
7. To increase the video speed again, click on upper pointing arrow until it reaches its maximum speed of1.0x

That’s it!

You have successfully learned to play supercool slow-motion videos with just just few clicks. Try this app and comment below your experience. Share it along if you liked our article. Moreover you can subscribe for free to our regular articles using the sign up form below ;-)