MashShare - Total Share Counter & Button like Mashable


Everyone knows about the popular Mashable Total share counter. Its good time for wordpress users  because they can have the same by using a plugin - MashShare. User can place this plugin above, below, or both above and below posts and pages. The user can also insert it where you like with a shortcode or a piece of code for your template.

Main features Features

  • Performance improvement for your website as no external scripts and count data is loaded
  • Privacy protection for your user - No permanent connection to Facebook, Twitter and Google needed for sharing
  • High-Performance caching functionality. You decide how often counts are updated.
  • All counts will be collected in your database and loaded first from cache. No further database requests than.
  • Works with every Theme
  • Works in pages and posts
  • Automatic embedding or manual via Shortcode into posts and pages
  • Simple installation and setup
Download Wp Plugin